Background: Sjöverkstan has been in operation since 2006 and is a company that specializes in renovating boat canopies. At Sjöverkstan, you can bring in items such as awnings, caravan tents, boat canopies, and sails for impregnation and repair. The company is located in Gothenburg, Sweden. Brief: Create new, modern business cards inspired by the existing website and the sea.
Client: Sjöverkstan🡕 Software: Photoshop, Illustrator

The New Logo
This was a fun project! It turned into a little more than just designing business cards because I proposed an update of their logo at the same time, to really get a modern feel but keep most of the graphic elements from the old logo. To make sure that the logo can be used on any platform with full color as well as black or white, I decided to reduce the number of colors in the logo and recreate the sail shape by using spaces in between the shapes. This idea was appreciated by the client and the new logo became their official logo!
Choosing the Design
I drew inspiration from the ocean's waves and depths when designing one of options for the business card. The "scallop pattern" also came to mind as it resembles glimmering scales. The client was drawn to the organic shapes inspired by the "waves of the sea" concept of the two ideas I pitched.

The Final Result